Poco Profile is a small Australian owned business set up in 1989 to manufacture a range of organisers and refills. Like many small businesses it was started in the lounge room, graduated to the sunroom and laundry, took on a second bedroom, and then in 1994, whilst still staying pretty small, it grew into “proper” premises.Whilst there is lots of leather and other materials around the work-place, binders are not made there and refills are not printed on site. Poco Profile works with artisans and tradespeople – Australia’s finest – to develop and manufacture products under the Poco Profile brand. After working with typesetters since the beginning, all pre-production of refills is now done in house. The Poco Profile premises is where it’s all put together and sent out – mostly to a local Australian retail marketplace.
The main focus continues to be on organisers and refills but non-organiser products have been added and there’s more – see other in the main menu.
Poco Profile places a high priority on good service and information (do unto others I reckon) and has established a creditable name in the Australian organiser world. We have a loyal following who have been wonderful word of mouth advocates. Thank you – with virtually no advertising budget you are most appreciated – besides I like the feedback!
In the last few years I have been asked “what about the electronic ones, are people swapping over?”. Well yes and no. Maybe it’s a bit like the paperless office – there is something about paper and the act of writing not to mention the patina of lovely leather. Besides you have a solid record of your year and if you have a race to find a date or detail the electronic user usually loses. Whatever, it’s obvious that the loose-leaf system has become more and more popular since I began. It’s a case of what works for you. I have had a number of people come back after dabbling with the electronic… I also notice that it’s not uncommon for people to use the electronic for addresses only, preferring paper for their diary.
Is it organizers or organisers? In the beginning I researched this – wanting to be correct and certainly not wanting to adopt what looks to be the American spelling. Well I came up with the information that the z version was the old version – so I sometimes use that – but mostly I use the s… because it seems more Australian!
Tell us about it.
Poco Profile receives many useful suggestions and requests – these are often incorporated into new or revamped products. So, write, telephone, or email me! I’d love to have your comments, suggestions or enquiries. Diary data is collected in July and August so if you have something you think should go into your diary let me know.
Poco Profile is now based in northern Tasmania. Previous Sydney/Lewisham neighbours Corban and Blair at #2 Victoria St have Poco stock – their shop hours are 9 – 5 Monday to Friday.
If you join the mail list you won’t be inundated with emails but you will get info about new products and that once a year important notice: “diary refills are ready”.
Best wishes for the year – Victoria Wilkinson